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2022 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report
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Volunteering practices in the 21st Century
Volunteering takes many forms. In this new model, volunteering is defined according to five components, each representing a dimension of volunteer action: structure, site, intensity, aspiration and category.

Categories of volunteering
The 2022 SWVR uses a more general definition of volunteering rather than strict definitions that do not capture the many and diverse volunteer practices that people engage in.

Interrelated elements of co-production between volunteers and states
Collaboration between volunteers and state authorities can lead to enhanced public services that are more responsive to the needs of community members.

Three key characteristics of deliberative systems
Deliberative processes can become a vehicle through which marginalized groups such as women can claim their space in public decision-making processes. Chapter 4 examines how volunteers engage with governments in decision-making processes

The process of social innovation

A social contract for equal and inclusive societies
Volunteerism is a fundamental part of building and strengthening people–state relationships. And these relationships will lead to better governance that promotes sustainable development and peace, helping to build equal and inclusive societies.

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Monthly number of volunteers aged 15 years and over, by region

Informal volunteering by gender (%)

Monthly volunteer rates by type (%)

Volunteering activities in the eight countries, 2020

Volunteer civic participation and social innovation, 2020