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2022 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report
Building Equal and
Inclusive Societies
About the SWVR
Volunteerism is a powerful force, and an important part of the fabric of society. Globally, it remains an important vehicle for shaping and advancing development. Its potential to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development that delivers to all is, however, yet to be realized.
As countries and regions grapple with enormous challenges, one thing is clear: no single stakeholder, entity or sector can address these challenges alone. Now more than ever, partnerships are vitally important.
The fourth State of the World’s Volunteerism Report (SWVR) report, titled Building Equal and Inclusive Societies, shows that the ways in which volunteers and state authorities interact, collaborate and partner are vital for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ch. 2: Global volunteering estimates
Little is known about how many people volunteer, and how their contribution can be maximized to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals… READ MORE
Ch. 3: Understanding patterns and trends in volunteerism in the Global South
Much of the research about volunteerism focuses on the Global North. In an effort…. READ MORE
Ch. 4: Volunteer-state partnerships and deliberative governance
Across countries and regions, volunteers from marginalized groups are devoting their time, expertise and knowledge… READ MORE
Ch. 5: Volunteer-state partnerships and co-production of services
Globally, as countries and regions grapple with complex development challenges, the need for people and institutions to work together to address them has become even more vital… READ MORE
Ch. 6: Volunteer-state partnerships and social innovation
Ongoing development challenges such as climate change, intensifying inequalities, political polarization and the COVID-19 pandemic mean that people and institutions… READ MORE
Ch. 7: Conclusion and recommendations: Towards building equal and inclusive societies
Volunteerism is a fundamental part of building and strengthening people–state relationships. In turn, these relations lead to better governance that promotes sustainable development and… READ MORE
About the report
The 2022 State of the World’s Volunteerism Report (SWVR): Building Equal and Inclusive Societies presents new evidence on the relationship between volunteers and the state. It illustrates how volunteer–state partnerships can redefine power relations and create societies that are equal and inclusive. When governments collaborate with volunteers from marginalized groups, the relationships foster new ways of working that engage volunteers as key partners while enabling them to co-create development solutions.
To create equal and inclusive societies in which all benefit, we need to draw on the creativity and energy of volunteers. In doing so, we can lay the foundation for a 21st Century social contract that is more inclusive and responsive to the needs of communities. The Report is an important contribution to volunteerism, and the timely discourse on creating equal and more inclusive societies.